EWMD Podcast 2024 - 8. Folge

EWMD Podcast "She did it"

8. Folge mit Pia Kroon, Nadine Nembach und Tanuja Prasad (englische Folge)

We are back with the english edition of the "She did it - 40 years, 40 stories" Podcast! This time, Ariane has the pleasure of talking with three marvelous guests: Nadine Nembach, Pia Kroon and Tanuja Prasad join her and share their fascinating stories about what makes EWMD so special for them.

Ariane kicks the episode off with Tanuja Prasad. Tanuja lives in New York and stumbled on EWMD by accident. After reading an article, she decided to join the EWMD annual conference in 2009 which took place in Brussels. Everybody was welcoming and she felt right at home. But, what struck her most is the uniqueness. The uniqueness of the women involved. Of the organization itself. And of the broad variety of topics discussed.

Next up is Pia Kroon. Pia's EWMD journey started in 2020, right before the pandemic. She joined the Milan chapter and almost immediately found her tribe. For Pia, the thing she values most about EWMD, is the diversity of backgrounds, industries, stories, topics and overall fascinating women. Since then, she strives to make a difference and continuing to create a better future. Also for her two wonderful daughters.

Last but not least, Nadine Nembach shares her perspective on EWMD. Just like Tanuja, Nadine basically got to EWMD by accident. After meeting another member at a fair in 2017, she attended the annual conference and immediately felt at home. She also experienced openness, diversity and open-mindedness right from the start. And for Nadine this is the perfect pre-requisite for having fun while making a real impact. Through EWMD her life changed a lot and even though there is always more to do and more to change, Nadine has already made quite an impact advocating for EWMD and change for women in Brussels.

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